Video Scene Magazine recently conducted a survey to find out how agencies work with video, and what tools they use. 75% of respondents indicated that they worked with video evidence and completed all the questions of the survey.

Of the people to responded to the survey, the majority of the responses were from the Southwest at 31% followed closely by the West at 29%.
Your title or rank
This was a free range question, so the results were pretty varied. The titles ranged anywhere from Detective to AV Specialist to Loss Prevention Manager. The majority of the surveyed were Detectives at 22% followed by Sergeants at 15%.
Number of full-time sworn officers in your agency.
82% of those who responded to the survey work in a department of 500 or less full time sworn officers. The remaining 19% ranged from 501 sworn officers to 11,000 sworn officers.

Population served by your agency
This was another free answer question, which gave us results ranging from 210 to 303,000,000. The majority of those surveyed fall in the 10,000 to 100,000 at 35%.

What department do you work in?
Of those who worked with video evidence the majority are Detectives at 41%, followed by those working in a Video Forensics department at 28% and in Technical Support at 21%.

How many years have you worked with video evidence?
40% of the surveyed who work with video evidence have worked in the field for 5-10 years. 36% have worked with video evidence for 1-5 years.
Have you presented video evidence in court?
54% of the surveyed who answered ‘yes’ to question eight have presented video evidence in court. 46% have not.
What type of video do you work with most?
92% of those who answered yes to question eight work mostly with digital video. 8% work mostly with analog video.
List any trade magazines you use to find information on video evidence:
36% refer to trade magazines. Here are a few of the magazines mentioned by our surveyors:
- Video Scene Magazine
- Evidence Technology Magazine
- Forensics Magazine
- Government Video
- Law Enforcement Technology
- DFI News
- Video Technology and Applications
- Digital Video
- NATIA Trade Publications
- Police Magazine
- 9-1-1 Magazine
- American Police Beat
- Adobe Photoshop Magazines
- Law Officer
- Information Week
- Emergency Management
- AV Technology
- Security Magazine
- ProAV
- Wired
- LEVA emails
- Forensic Forum
- Photonics Spectrum
List any websites you frequent to find information on video evidence:
53% do not frequent websites for information. 47% do go to the web for information. Here are some of the sites they visit:
- www.media-geek.com
- www.leva.org
- www.google.com (Google searches)
- www.dfinews.com
- www.fourcc.org
- FVA List
- www.resvid.com
- www.iai.org
- www.videoscenemagazine.com
- www.signalscape.com
- www.adobe.com
- www.apple.com
- www.evidencemagazine.com
- www.forensicmag.com
- www.oceansystems.com
- www.salientstills.com
- forensicphotoshop.blogspot.com
- www.imagingofevidence.com/blog/
- www.starwitnessinfo.com

How many videos do you work in an average week?
67% work less than 5 videos per week. Most of the surveyed work 0-10 videos per week, very few work more than 10 videos a week.
Does your agency have equipment dedicated to video evidence collection/recover, analysis or enhancement?
82% do have dedicated equipment. 18% do not have dedicated equipment.
Does your agency have equipment specifically for working video in the field, for example a digital video evidence collection kit?
49% do have field equipment, 49% do not and 3% were not sure whether they do or not.

How many years has your agency worked with video evidence?
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